
Virtual IT Department

Your Virtual IT Department

Not every company can afford to have a large IT department, you may not have the budget, space or even the need to have full time IT staff on hand all year round. With CYB Support, we can fill this gap while keeping your costs down. We can remotely support your PC’s and servers. We can install monitoring software to ensure all your IT equipment remains healthy and in good working order.

If you get stuck on something, we can connect and assist you right there and then and avoid costly site visits.

We can also help with some repetitive tasks and improve efficiency which could allow your existing staff to get more done in less time!

We can offer this service on a Pay As Go service so no set monthly fees

What we Offer

Our virtual admin assistant will help you automate

Cloud Services

Cloud services help businesses leverage the on-demand benefits of the internet with a cloud service provider. The cloud can replace the need for on-premise servers with little capital investment.

Help Desk

Help desk support is essential for businesses without an in-house IT team. It serves as a single contact point for troubleshooting computers, printers, networks, WiFi, and more.

Network Security

Internet access comes with security risks like hackers, viruses, and data theft. Network security protects against unauthorized access using firewalls, antivirus software, VPNs, and regular check-ups.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

In a disaster, your data might be at risk if you don’t follow the 3-2-1 backup rule. This means keeping three copies of your data: one on your device, one on a local backup, and one off-site (ideally in the cloud). This way, you’re much less likely to lose everything.

IT Consulting

For large or complex IT projects, hiring IT consulting services can be the solution. They work with your team and contractors on tasks like hardware overhauls and software updates to ensure every detail is covered.

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