About This Project
Ellie James is a singer and voice performance coach based in Stamford, Lincolnshire – although she can operate virtually and has clients all over the world!
Many of her clients are children and she was asked by a number of parents and grandparents if she offered gift cards that would enable them to purchase sessions for birthdays, Christmas and other special occasions.
After an initial consultation, we worked out quite quickly that because Ellie charges £25 for 45 minutes and £30 for an hour’s session, it made the most sense to depart from the usual £5, £10, £25, £50 card values and offer multiples of her pricing – £25, £30, £50 and £60. Using Ellie’s current branding from her Facebook page, we designed her gift card page (which you can see here) alongside her gift cards.
As of mid-September she has sold 10 £30 cards, with 3 being “spent”. 7 others are yet to be “cashed in”, however she has already received the funds!